Scope of organisational behaviour

February 29, 2024, 0 Comments

Scope of organisational behaviour

The scope of organisational behaviour is vast. Organisational behaviour is a multidisciplinary field includes psychology, sociology, anthropology, and management studies. Organisational behaviour finds the dynamics within an organisation. This includes how a person or group of people behave in an organisation. It also includes how these behaviours affect the functions within an organisation. 

When we study topics like communication, leadership, and decision-making, it improves productivity and employee satisfaction and provides success to an organisation. Business team leaders and managers need to understand the scope of organisational behaviour to overcome challenges within an organisation.

Historical development and evolution

The scope of organisational behaviour develops with time due to advancements in technologies and different structures of the organisation. Frederick Taylor in the early 20th century introduced advances in scientific management to increase efficiency and productivity. 

In the 20th century, researchers like Elton Mayo and Hawthorne studied the relationship of humans within an organisation. It is important to recognise the employee’s psychological and social behaviour in an organisation which is important for its work. The scope of organisational behaviour is broader if we include topics like cultural organisation and power dynamics.

Role of HR in organisational behaviour

The role of HR in an organisation is important to create a positive environment and to enhance organisational goals. It plays an important part in creating a positive environment by considering the following points.

  • Selection and recruitment

HR is responsible for selecting those employees who remain stuck with organisational goals. This department can create a good environment in the organisation by selecting employees right for the workplace with advanced skills.

  • Training and development

HR department conducts various types of training programmes for employees to increase their skills and achieve organisational goals. It can lead to development and improvement in organisational work.

  • Employees satisfaction

HR department satisfies the employees through different surveys and feedback forms. If employees are not properly satisfied HR department can fix their concerns to create a good environment in the workplace.

  • Policy development and compliance

This department develops new policies and plans to analyze the behaviour of employees. If these policies are followed continuously then it leads to organisational goals.

Individual behaviour in the scope of organisational behaviour

Individual behaviour in the scope of organisational behaviour includes attitude, actions and performance of employees. Here are some important aspects given as follows.

  • Personality

It includes an understanding of each personality like emotional stability, agreeableness, openness to experience and impact of behaviour in the workplace.

  • Attitude and job satisfaction

It includes many factors like organisational commitment and job satisfaction. This can affect personal performance and behaviour.

  • Learning and development

It includes learning new skills like training, coaching, and experiences that can affect individual performance.

  • Stress and well-being

It includes analyzing various stress factors that can affect employees’ performance, and behaviour. Individual behaviour includes many strategies to relieve the stress of employees and improve their well-being.  

  • Ethics and values

It includes analyzing individual principles and ethics in the workplace. It also includes the strategies which are important for ethical conduct in an organisation.

Group behaviour in the scope of organisational behaviour

Group behaviour in the scope of organizational behaviour includes how an employee can interact with a group or team. Here are some important aspects that increase the effectiveness of an organisation.

  • Group formation

It includes how the groups are formed within an organisation. Group behaviour also includes the factors that influence the composition and membership of groups.

  • Group structures 

It includes analyzing the group structure including the role of each employee, and the status of each employee. Group behaviour includes how the employees of each group communicate with each other.

  • Group decision making

Group behaviour includes going through the process thoroughly through which groups can make decisions. It includes many factors like the role of leadership, group thinking, and dynamic powers in decision-making.

  • Conflict resolution

Group behaviour involves finding strategies to resolve conflicts in groups to increase overall performance. It involves resolving conflicts through negotiations and meditation.

  • Group performance and effectiveness

Group behaviour includes identifying those factors which can increase group performance and effectiveness. It involves checking quality, productivity and satisfaction.


Leadership plays an important part in the scope of organisational behaviour. It plays an important role in the success of an organisation and increases employees’ productivity.

  • Leadership includes leading a group or team to achieve success for the organisation through motivation, and job satisfaction.
  • In the scope of organisational behaviour theories of leadership like transactional, authentic, and transformational are studied to understand how employees’ performance and behaviour is associated with team leadership.
  • Leadership style is also determined to measure the performance of employees to increase effectiveness.

Time management

  • Time management in the scope of organisational behaviour includes the allocation of tasks according to time to increase productivity and achieve goals. 
  • It includes managing time through different strategies like scheduling, goal setting, and prioritization.
  • Time management is a skill through which we can overcome various factors like reducing wastage of time, improving efficiency, and increasing job performance.
  • Time management workshops and training programs are conducted to effectively manage their time and get maximum productivity.
  • Effective time management can reduce time pressure, and workload, and reduce the pressure of deadlines.

Communication in organisational behaviour

It is the process through which information is exchanged in an organisation. It plays an important role in achieving organisational goals. Communication can be digital, written, verbal and non-verbal.

Here are some common points concerning communication in an organisation.

  • Information Sharing

Communication in an organisation means all the relevant information is shared with employees and staff members. It can be in the form of new updates, announcements any new policy or procedure which is introduced.

  • Clarity and understanding

For exchanging information communication must be clear and accurate. It includes minimizing confusion by using simple language without jargon.

  • Feedback and listening

In an organisation, communication must be clear by listening actively in meetings and there is feedback given to the person. so that he can understand his communication is clear. In meetings, employees can share their opinions or ideas with the team leader and he should appreciate the employees idea and feedback to them.

Conflict resolution in organisational behaviour

In the scope of organisational behaviour conflict resolution includes resolving problems within team employees as well as with team leader and employees and in the department. Here are some key points which are considered in conflict resolution in the organisation.

  • Identification of conflict

First of all identification of conflict is compulsory. It can arise from different sources due to differences in personalities of different employees and differences in their goals in certain projects. Conflicts can only be resolved by identifying the reason for conflicts.

  • Open communication

Communication must be open in an organisation. Employee must work in an open environment where they can give their suggestions, concerns and perspectives properly.

  • Conflict resolution training

Employees must educate with proper training programs for the resolution of conflicts in the workplace. It includes negotiation strategies, communication skills, and emotional intelligence.

  • Establishing clear procedures

While resolving conflicts there must be clear procedures and protocols to resolve misunderstandings in the workplace. It includes different guidelines and points of contact for the resolution of conflicts.   

Future trends in the scope of organisational behaviour

Future trends in the scope of organisational behaviour include different challenges and technological advancements. Here are some of the advancements as follows.

  • Digital transformation

Because of rapid advancement in technologies, different AI technologies are use in the workplace. Employees in an organisation must use different platforms for effective communication.

  • Employee well being

Organisations must be supportive of employees. Employees should manage their mental health, and manage their stress in work workplace.

  • Leadership development

The role of a leader in an organization is to coach and mentor the employees. These leadership programmes build adaptability and intelligence in employees.


The scope of organisational behaviour is a vast topic. It includes leadership, time management, and conflict resolution. It is important to understand the behaviour of individuals and groups in the workplace. This behaviour in an organisation helps individuals to achieve their goals.HR is important in an organization to conduct fair policies and procedures. 

Different factors like employees’ well being, leadership create a friendly environment in an organisation to increase productivity. It also serves as a guiding framework to understand the behaviour of employees in an organisation. We can enhance the acknowledgement of organisational behaviour through different training programs.


What is the scope of organisational behaviour?

The main scope of organisation behaviour includes the study of individuals and groups in an organisation. Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour including psychology, sociology etc.

What are the factors affecting organisational behaviour?

The factors affecting organisational behaviour is as follows

  • Technology
  • Working environment
  • Structure

Employees in an organisation.

What are the limitations of the scope of organisational behaviour?

There are some limitations like unethical and manipulative behaviour, cultural bias, Individual behaviour, and complexity of individual behaviour.

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